Best tricks to get out of bed & exercise THIS Winter

Winter is here

Article heading image for Best tricks to get out of bed & exercise THIS Winter

Brrr… we’re finally getting into single digits on the Coast.

And even though we don’t get much of a Winter in the Sunshine State, we still find excuses to throw our Summer exercise routine out the window until sunnier days.

 It gets much HARDER to feel motivated for that 6am boxing class and much EASIER to snuggle up and press snooze. (I feel some nods coming through the screen…)



So, we got advice straight from the horse’s mouth. We travelled to Burleigh Hill one morning before light and asked energetic locals what it takes to get up of a morning when bed is always the better option. 

We then put the answers into a pie chart, did some very basic mathematics and turned them into our….





Make it as easy as possible. 

Get organised. Have your gym gear hanging up on the door, shoes by the bed and smoothie in the fridge ready to go.

It’s harder to make excuses when there isn’t any.




Try a later class.

We’ll cut you some slack… we get that it’s a motivation bust when it feels no one else in the world is awake except you - EVEN the sun is having a sleep in.

So give yourself a little break and go to the 6:30am class instead. If there’s a shower at work – use it! No need to go home and waste time.




Partner up.

You can make excuses for yourself, but it’s a hell of a lot harder to make excuses for a friend who has their alarm set too. For the cooler months, grab a gym buddy and motivate each other.




5-metre phone radius

This one is plain cruel, but very effective. Make sure your phone is OUTSIDE the bedroom for the morning alarm. This not only gets you up and moving, but boy it makes you realise if you can get up to that, you can get up for anything.




Sleepy Head

Stay off Netflix of a night and put your phone DOWN… its time to get some serious shuteye. 7-8 hours a night are ideal to bound out of bed and hit the pavement.




… and if all else fails, do some extra reaches for the remote!




Holly Fallon

4 July 2017

Article by:

Holly Fallon

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