PODCAST: What You Didn't Know About Roe VS Wade

The Briefing

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This year the United States faced a major turning point in its history with the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v Wade. 

It's now more important than ever to understand the complex and often misunderstood history of abortion in America. That's where one of our favourite episodes of  The Briefing comes in.

The team spoke to  Nick Sweeney, director of the documentary AKA Jane Roe, who tells the incredible story of Norma McCorvey, a young Texan woman who became the central figure in the landmark Roe v Wade case. Norma, or Jane Roe as she was known in the case, fought for the right to access abortion services in the 1970s and her case ultimately led to the legalization of abortion in the United States.

But as Nick's documentary reveals, there's much more to Norma's story than meets the eye. Through interviews and in-depth research, Nick uncovers the truth behind Norma's motivations and the various forces that shaped her involvement in the case.

You won’t believe what Nick learned in the making of the documentary.  It left Americans reeling, and turned the entire saga on its head.  In today’s Briefing: the story behind the abortion case dividing America. 

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19 December 2022

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