There's Very Good News For People Who Have Messy Rooms

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If you're the type of person who has a very messy bedroom, then we've got some good news. 

According to researchers, it means that you've got a creative mind! 

A study from the University of Minnesota found that those with unkempt rooms produced more interesting and creative ideas when given a task! Plus they were more likely to do the unexpected. 

Kathleen Vohs told Science Daily, “Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition, which can produce fresh insights. Orderly environments, in contrast, encourage convention and playing it safe."

But they're not the only ones who feel this way. In their book A Perfect Mess, Eric Abrahamson and David Freedham discussed the positives of having a cluttered workspace!

"Mess isn't necessarily the absence of order," they wrote. "A messy desk can be a highly effective prioritising and accessing system.

"In general, on a messy desk, the more important, urgent work tends to stay close by and near the top of the clutter, while the safely ignorable stuff tends to get buried to the bottom or near the back, which makes perfect sense.

"The various piles on a messy desk can represent a surprisingly sophisticated informal filing system that offer far more efficiency and flexibility than a filing cabinet could possibly provide."

We're never tidying up again! 

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23 November 2020

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