Steve Shares Whether He Thinks He's Been Portrayed Accurately On MAFS

Is it the real him?

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This morning, the Hit Network's Jimmy & Nath spoke to Steve from MAFS and asked him what he thinks of the way he's been portrayed on the show.

We've seen Steve & Mishel struggle with their relationship, especially when he admitted he wasn't attracted to his wife.

Not only that, but we've also seen him clash with Stacey & Michael at dinner parties! All.the.DRAMA!

It had the guys wondering if he's happy with how he's been portrayed or if it's a far cry to who he really is

Missed the chat? Here's what Steve had to say about how he's portrayed on MAFS:

Want the JUICIEST MAFS goss? Find it all here:

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Amber Lowther

10 March 2020

Article by:

Amber Lowther

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