STERN WARNING Going Out to Everyone in the South Burnett


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It’s a STERN warning and it’s going out to all residents of the South Burnett young and old.

The message is simple and straight to the point – When BATS come out STAY BACK - and DO NOT TOUCH them, not ever, even if you are wearing thick leather gloves or have covered your hands in towels.

Bats sharp teeth and nails can pierce through the fabric easily and could lead to us being infected with the Lyssavirus virus. 

This week locals in Proston gathered at the Town Hall for an information session regarding flying foxes roosting in the area and public health experts across the state have also voiced the warning loud and clear.

Doctor Steven Donohue from public health says there is a disappointing trend when it comes to the flying creatures and residents locally and we should all think twice before attempting to touch a bat, bat bites and scratches could cost South Burnett locals their life.

He said the message is a simple one for people of all ages, keep well clear of BATS.

For more info on Lyssavirus.

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23 November 2018

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