Spotify Announce A Brand New Karaoke Feature

Move over Sing Star!

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Spotify has filled the void left in our lives by Sing Star, announcing a brand-new karaoke feature that allows users to sing along to their favourite jams.

While some of you may be happy singing along to your favourite songs with no one around to judge you, Spotify now provides a karaoke feature that will score your singing at the end of each song. 


I can’t help but feel like this entire feature is taking aim at millennials who grew up competitively belting out bangers like ‘Get the Party Started’ by Pink or ‘Karma Chameleon’ by Culture Club on Sing Star Party and 80’s respectively.

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So how do we access the karaoke feature?

Apparently accessing the new feature is as easy as updating your current Spotify app through the App Store or Play Store.

Once you’ve completed the necessary updates, open the app, pick which song you’d like to sing to and scroll down. 

In the top right hand corner you will see the “sing” feature – clicking this button will activate karaoke mode and you are free to start belting out (however terribly) your favourite songs. 


Unfortunately, some of us will not be able to access the new feature quite yet because the necessary Spotify update has not yet been made available to us. 

The new update will be made available to all users including non-premium members so sit tight or start warming up those vocal cords!

But have no fear! The update is still in the process of being rolled out and will be made available to you over the coming days, so keep checking the app store or switch on automatic update. 

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Georgie Marr

28 June 2022

Article by:

Georgie Marr

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