PSA: Long Distance BFF Touch Bracelets Exists To Let Your Mate Know You’re Thinking Of Them

This is too good!

Article heading image for PSA: Long Distance BFF Touch Bracelets Exists To Let Your Mate Know You’re Thinking Of Them

As we get older we all have to start to come to terms with the harsh reality of adulting and sometimes just finding the time to even catch up with your bestie becomes a major challenge.

Alas, fear no more because we have found the perfect tool to solve your long-distance (or just time-poor) problems!

This Long-Distance Touch Bracelet Set now allows you to let your BFF, or just whoever has the other bracelet know when you're missing them!

The pair of bracelets are $70 for the set and work on a touch basis where you connect it via Bluetooth, tap it and it’ll send a nice little vibration to your pal to let them know that you’re thinking of them.

So, whether or not you’ve just gone away to university and want to let your friends at home know that you’re missing them – or even if you’re just a lil' lazy and want to get one for your parent or grandparent while you’re away living your best life, the possibilities truly are endless.

And if you want to get really into it, you can send up to 10 taps in one message, making it easy to incorporate unique rhythms or create your own secret message.

The bands also come in various colours, they're rechargeable and waterproof! 

Brb while we order one now! 

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Eve Swain

26 December 2019

Article by:

Eve Swain

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