"Is this a joke?": Gold Coast man wins $60M Powerball jackpot

Second biggest prize in lotto history

Article heading image for "Is this a joke?": Gold Coast man wins $60M Powerball jackpot

The Gold Coast's lucky streak continues, with a sixth local taking out the lotto in less than five months!

A Burleigh Heads man received the phone call we have all been dreaming of on Thursday night, telling him he had taken out that evening's Powerball draw.

He scored the second biggest prize ever won by a single entry in Australian Lotto history, taking home $60 million.

"Is this a joke? You’ve got to be kidding me surely,” he said when he received good the news.

After officials convinced him it wasn't a prank, the retiree told them he would be sharing the windfall with his family and probably go on a holiday.

“It’s a dream; you enter it and you don’t expect to win it!"

“I’m retired, but I’m young enough that I will still have plenty of time to enjoy it," he said.

The lucky winner told officials he wasn't expecting to get much sleep that night, thinking about all the things he could do with the money.

“I’m over the moon. It’s just life-changing. I’m shaking".

He bought the winning ticket from Nextra Burleigh Town News. 

8 November 2018

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