Hunter Water Restrictions On The Horizon

Unless we get some serious rain soon..

Article heading image for Hunter Water Restrictions On The Horizon

We could be hit with water restrictions in the Hunter in the new year, unless we get some serious rain soon.

Overall dam levels are sitting at 79.7 per cent, but it's forecast they'll fall to 60 per cent in January if the drought continues.

That would trigger stage one restrictions, resulting in a ban on fixed sprinklers and limited use of hand held hoses.

Hunter Water spokesperson Renee Fedder says it's vital we conserve our H20 during this dry spell.

"Our consumption throughout July was higher than June, so it's something working together we can all play a role in," she said.

She's encouraging us to do small things at home to reduce our water usage, including watering lawns before 10am and after 2pm and taking shorter showers.


21 August 2018

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