How To Keep Your Pet Cool During The Hot Aussie Weather

It's so important!

Article heading image for How To Keep Your Pet Cool During The Hot Aussie Weather

Summer is well and truly here, so while you are thinking about keeping yourself cool don't forget about your furry friends!

The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) has a list of easy tips to help your pet manage during those hot summer days.

  • Make sure there is plenty of cool, fresh water available at all times in a shady area 
  • Make sure your pets have multiple shady areas to go to over the day - remember, the sun will move to almost every part of your backyard during the day!
  • If you own a longhaired dog, consider giving them a trim - even if you just do it yourself (carefully)
  • Avoid exercise in the hottest part of the day: if you decide to take them for a walk, try and go early in the morning or later in the evening after the day has cooled down
  • If your dog is typically kept outside - and you're at home - consider bringing them inside with you to cool off in the aircon or with a fan

As your pets get older they may start to struggle with the heat more, so make sure to take extra care with elderly dogs and cats. 

AVA President, Dr Paula Parker explained“Veterinarians receive numerous calls from concerned pet owners during summer heatwaves seeing worrying signs like lethargy, excessive panting or breathing problems. But there are simple tips that can help to prevent or minimise problems. Pets, such as cats and dogs, cool off through the pads of their feet and tongues. They need to pant to regulate their temperature, and dogs and cats with long hair can be more susceptible to the effects of heat.

“It’s important that owners take precautions to protect their pets from heat-related health issues. 

So look after your pets as the weather heats up! 

Listen below for more tips and tricks for your pet:

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