Does Your Man Stay Up Late Watching Netflix? We Have Some Bad News…

Switch off and go to sleep!

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Nickelodeon / Universal Pictures

Does your man tend to stay up late, binge-watching his fave shows or movies, either alone or with you beside him?

Well, we have some bad news… 

It turns out that those late night TV binges are having a negative impact on the quality of their sperm (a.k.a. your future children). 


Danish fertility clinics monitored hundreds of men on their sperm quality and sleep habits to find that those who stayed up late were less likely to meet the World Health Organisations (WHOs) standard for what is ‘normal’ sperm. 


However, those who went to bed before 10.30pm were 2.75 times more likely to have ‘normal’ sperm. 

Furthermore, men who slept between 7.5-8 hours a night were 6.18 times more likely to meet or surpass the standard. 

The study found evidence that a lack of sleep caused the immune system to overheat and attack sperm in response.  

While the study didn’t target the activities men did while staying up late as being a factor for lower sperm quality, binge-watching TV for more than four hours a day has been linked to an increase in suffering an early death…  

So getting more zzz's for you and your man and spending some time away from the couch might be a good idea!



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