Changes To Mask Requirements Just Announced

From 6pm This Friday

Article heading image for Changes To Mask Requirements Just Announced

Today the Chief Health Minister has announced changes to mask requirements in the ACT. The changes now require masks to only be warn in high risk indoor settings. 

The changes mean it is mandatory to wear a face mask: 

  • On public transport, including buses, light rail, taxis, rideshare and demand response vehicles. Drivers of these vehicles must wear a mask when transporting passengers
  • An employee or visitor in a high-risk setting, including hospitals, residential aged care facilities, correctional facilities or residential accommodation facilities
  • A worker who provides services to a person with a disability
  • A worker for in-home and community aged care providers
  • A staff member or visitor in all indoor spaces at a school or early childhood education and care setting. Students in years 7 to 12 are also required to wear a face mask while in an indoor space at school
  • Inside the Canberra Airport terminal or on a domestic flight in or out of Canberra Airport.

The changes to wearing masks comes into effect on Friday, 25th of February at 6pm. 

23 February 2022

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