Central Queensland Leaders Push For Involvement In 2032 Olympics

Taskforce established for CQ funding

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Community leaders are set to propose more involvement for the central queensland area in the build up to the Olympic Games in Brisbane in 2032.

Grant Cassidy, Regional Development Australia Central and Western Queensland, and Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry is forming a taskforce to ensure Central Queensland gets a slice of the Olympics fever.

The goal of the Central Queensland Olympics and Paralympics task force is to maximise any opportunities to build facilities across the region and host some events inn the region, Landry explains.

“The aim is for the three levels of government and sporting organisations to work together to see what we can do to ensure Central Queensland gets our fair share of the Olympics up here,” she said.

“I would love to see some of the Olympics events here in Central Queensland but if we can’t have that I think it’d be great to have some of the training done here for some of the Olympic teams, as we did with the rowing team for the 2021 Olympics.

Ms Landry said a lot of the flood-affected areas haven't been able to rejuvenate their sporting clubs, leaving a gaping hole for people to attend and stay in their chosen. sport.

“This is all about training facilities, and we’ve already got the rowing club, we’ve got hockey, we’ve got the velodrome, tennis, there’s all these different sports that we have here.”


Mr Cassidy welcomed the overall plans, and is set to host the meeting for all CQ sporting bodies in early November.

“The formation of the task force is a great first step for that, there’s nothing like sport to really unite people,” he said.

“I think we’re going to see a very strong, united group of people who are going to be incredibly enthusiastic and passionate about the great role that we can play and how we can actually go about attracting activities here in the region, leading up to and hopefully including the Olympics in 2032.

“With the facilities we have here in Rockhampton we could host a range of different sports and teams here. We’ve got great temperatures and 300 days of sunshine, which is perfect conditions for training.”

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8 October 2021

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