Blake Lively Just BLASTED A Reporter & The Internet Is Cheering

Standing up for what's right!

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Note to self: Don’t mess with a woman who is strong, independent and knows what she stands for. 

A.K.A. Blake Lively

The internet is currently cheering over Blake Lively’s response to a reporter at Variety’s Power Of Women event in New York, and for good reason. 

You all might remember the wave of women in Hollywood who have been hitting back at reporters over the previous years, trying to spark conversation around the discrepancies in questions given to me vs. women. 

I.e. Men get asked all the deep, project-based questions, whereas women are mostly only asked about their fashion choices for the given event. 


Well, Blake wasn’t having this, especially not at an event where she would be discussing the horrifying issue of child pornography around the globe. 

According to USA Today digital editor Maeve McDermott, Blake was asked about her green jumpsuit at the even by a reporter. 

Her response was, “Are we really doing this? Would you ask a man that?” 

She went on to inform the reporter that they need to “become more aware, ad that we change, and that we build women up. So, you can ask me another question.”

Maeve even caught the moment on video. 


Good on you, Blake!

We admire how she stayed true to her beliefs and remained professional in her conduct. 

Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve. 

Hayley Mitchelhill-Miller

22 April 2017

Article by:

Hayley Mitchelhill-Miller

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