Beyoncé Speaks Out Against Sexist Entertainment Industry In Encouraging Speech To Class Of 2020

A true queen

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Beyoncé has stepped up to encourage high school and university graduates through her speech for YouTube's Dear Class Of 2020 livestream.

She started off thanking Barack and Michelle Obama for including her in this and said to students, "you have arrived here in the middle of a global crisis, a racial pandemic, and worldwide expression of outrage at the senseless killing of yet another unarmed Black man, and you still made it."

Queen Bey even opened up about the entertainment industry, speaking openly about the sexism that's still happening today.

"The entertainment business is still very sexist, it's still very male-dominated and as a woman, I did not see enough female role models given the opportunity to do what I had to do. To run my label and management company. To direct my films and produce my tours. That meant ownership, owning my masters, owning my art, owning my future and writing my own story."

Check out the full speech here: 

Beyoncé also spoke about the Black Lives Matter movement saying, "The killing of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and so many others have left us all broken. It has left the entire country searching for answers. We've seen that our collective hearts when put to positive action start the wheels of change. Real change has started with you, this new generation of high school and college graduates who we celebrate today."

She concluded her speech with, "Keep pushing forget the fear forget the doubt. Keep investing and keep betting on yourself." 

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Amber Lowther

7 June 2020

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Amber Lowther

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