A One Off Strawberry Sundae Sale To Support Struggling Farmers

Helping those impacted by needle saga

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Ekka Queensland

Ekka may be over for another year, but there's a rare chance to get another taste of those famous strawberry sundaes, and all for a good cause! 

Prince Charles Hospital Foundation boss Michael Hornby has announced a one-off, all day sale at King George Square, with 100% of the profits going back to the strawberry farmers who've been impacted by a downturn in sales in the wake of the needle sabotage saga. 

Foundation ambassador Bill McDonald has described it as a 'marathon' event. 

"So from 6 in the morning until 6.30 at night, for the first time ever, we're going to be encouraging people to have a sundae for breakfast, lunch and dinner to help support our strawberry growers"

"All of the profits will be going directly into the farmers' pockets through the Strawberry Growers Association"

"Strawberries have been really kind to The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation. We've used strawberry sundae sales to help fund vital medical research, so it's our time now to give back when they need us. We just thought it's a perfect opportunity to help the growers who need some help right at this particular time". 

"With so much love for strawberries, school holidays, Brisbane Festival on, and in the middle of the city, we're aiming high... we're aiming to sell 10,000 strawberry sundaes which is something like half a tonne of strawberries". 

McDonald says they've already been overwhelmed with offers to help, but there will be a lot of work to do given all the strawberries will be cut extra small to ensure no contamination risk for consumers/ 

It's happening from 6am - 6.30pm at King George Square, on Wednesday September 26. 

Claire Sherwood

20 September 2018

Article by:

Claire Sherwood

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