A Cairns shopping centre is paying your bill at the till!

Some big winners already.

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Christmas, New Year, Back to School and Easter just around the corner, this time of year is always a strain on our wallets. But one of our favourite shopping centres is doing what they can to give us a helping hand. 

Each day until Thursday the 29th March you can get the chance to have your bill paid at the till. 

Yes, even I have gone back to make sure I've written that right!

Each day Bill Buddy will be wandering the shops and looking for their next target and if you're selected you can win instantly, and your product or service will be paid up to $5000 to go towards your bill. 

There is an additional opportunity to win by uploading a photo to your socials with the hashtag #billbuddyattheplaza and you will go into the draw for the major prize of a $250 Mount Sheridan Plaza Gift Card. 

So, wrangle the kids into the car, pack your shopping bags and get to Mount Sheridan Plaza for some cash back in your pockets for once! 

14 March 2019

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