Police Urge Residents to Lock and Check Their Cars


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Toowoomba police continue to experience a higher than average number of cars being entered illegally and the trend does not seem to be diminishing anytime soon. Last week saw the number remain a long way above the average for the region and it’s of concern to officers.

What is of greater concern is that a large amount of the vehicles have no damage, indicating they were not locked when the offender opened them. Equally of concern is people casually leaving cash, wallets, phones, iPads and other easily grabbed and transported items in plain view in the unlocked cars.

One of the ways police have discovered the offences are happening is that offenders walk along a street and try car doors till they find one open then prey upon that car. It’s a hit and miss operation but when they do the numbers they are getting success.

Police have some suspects/lines of enquiry which they are chasing down however the public can help by double checking their cars and property, not leaving valuables in unattended cars at any time and being vigilant as to who is lurking around.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.

26 March 2017

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